Mr. Kosala Rohana Wickramanayake Honoured with “The Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Rosette”


On 30 July 2024, H.E. Mr. MIZUKOSHI Hideaki, Ambassador of Japan to Sri Lanka, conferred the "The Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Rosette " on Mr. Kosala Rohana Wickramanayake, Former President of the Lanka Japan Friendship Society and the former President of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Sri Lanka, in recognition of his outstanding contribution to promoting friendly relations, mutual understanding and economic exchange between Japan and Sri Lanka.

Ambassador MIZUKOSHI praised Mr. Wickramanayake for his tireless efforts in deepening friendly relations and promoting mutual understanding between Japan and Sri Lanka, particularly during his tenure as President of the Lanka Japan Friendship Society in 2011-2012.

Ambassador MIZUKOSHI also emphasized that Mr. Wickramanayake has contributed extensively to the promotion of economic relations between Japan and Sri Lanka. With a deep understanding of Japanese companies and business based on his business experience, Mr. Wickramanayake has been a catalyst for Japanese companies to establish a foothold in Sri Lanka and prosper together with Sri Lankan business, which has helped to increase interest and understanding of Japan in Sri Lanka.

"The Order of the Rising Sun” is awarded by His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Japan to foreign nationals who have made outstanding contributions to the promotion of friendly relations with Japan.
It is hoped that this auspicious event will further develop bilateral relationship between Japan and Sri Lanka.